I'm glad I did. I picked up mostly earthy notes with some dried fruit and grass. I bought a lot of this to age. Perfect moisture and ready to go from the tin. TL:DR - Great medium, sweet smoke with a little spice and dark fruit flavors. Ive tried Wessex and H&H - Bright Night and Astleys black, and all have been fantastic blends in their own right, but none have come close to this. Nothing earth shattering, just a really fine tobac co smell, I took the edge of some of the medium cut flakes and stuffed the bowl without rubbing out. It is slightly sweet and exhaling through the nose has some spice and a little citrus as if the heavy fruit is an orange that is a too ripe. reproduced in any manner without the expressed written consent of STC Holdings LLC. I could smoke this all day long as it's right around the medium mark in strength. This was my favorite blend of the year! This is a broken flake tobacco can be smoked as is or rubbed out into its course cut condition & has a long burn rate. As a general matter, as good as a blend gets, and the reviews/ratings reflect that. Why the confusion? I seem to have tongue bite issues with Virginias but I picked up a P-Lip and this is the 2nd Virginia I have run through it. I am biased toward Virgina and this one is maybe the best going. C&D has really made something special with this blend. I rated this product low because of the recall. Jeremy Reeves at Cornell&Diehl proved that he has the chops to be one of the best blenders in the USA. - Single (1) Out of stock. A larger bowl gave me the heebie jeebies ! It left a nice aftertaste. Mechanically, the blend is perfect out of the tin as far as moisture is concerned. The cigar taste and aroma is not necessarily bad but not what I expected from this tobacco. I bought 2 tins, 1 for now and one for 5 years later or so. Can't get any better than this. Mostly intact with some slightly broken towards the bottom. Not as fruity either . The tanginess boarders on sour occasionally and this adds to the complexity of the smoke. I love it when things come out right. And still, that blender maestro rendered a fine work of tobacco art. I do recommend letting the tobacco dry out a little bit before lighting up because there was a little bit of moisture build up. Pipe Used: T. Bannard(BST) rusticated canadian. Smoking the 2019 release . It's not as goo d as say F&T Blackjack, or Wessex RVF, but it's got it's own thing going on and that's fine by me. whaaa!? The mouthfeel can be tart, like Ive eaten a bunch of dried cranberries. The smoke is light on the tongue and if my supply was not constrained by this C&D offering likely not becoming part of their "stable" of blends, it would be one of my go-to tobaccos. The other attributes I mentioned quickly show themselves, and remain all throughout the proceedings. WARNING: Smokingpipes.com does not sell tobacco or tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21, nor do we sell cigarettes. To clarify, I ordered two tins of the 2022 batch and am hoping for more. We currently track red light cameras, speed camera, toll road cameras, traffic cameras & automatic license plate reader cameras (ALPR). 4.5 stars. Sweet enough to be noticeable, smooth, and creamy. 1 Option. Palette: Slightly tangy, bready and a lovely earthy spice. It is ready to smoke from the tin and is easily rubbed out. It does taste like cranberries as they mention. I cant wait for the other tins to get several years on them to come back to once I get more of a taste for Virginias. Pipe Used: Ropp Etudiant Sandblasted (J05), C & D, Carolina Red Flake: The best red Virginia flake currently on the market. Add to cart. Hints of baked rasins on the sides of the tongue with no bite. CRF is it. I also use this Carolina Red & McConnell's Red VA, Samuel Gawith FVA, Wilke's Turkish Yenidje, Unsweetened Black Cavendish, Burley & a smidgeon of Lane's 1Q with a little Wellauer's Latakia or McConnells Cyprian, or both, to mix up a good Balkan Blend. But there's also a bready, doughy, character behind; like a fruit bun! Delightful, easy-smoking, good flavor and room notes. I know someday, I'll be that old timer, and this is the one I'll remember, and that is my review. If I see it come up again at S.P., I will add to the stack. There is plenty of smoke, and it gets better and better, right down to nubs. How do you get a tobacco to become a loved, best selling, cult followed tobacco? There is no dust and no excessive moisture. The label on this tin is vexing, what, exactly, is the name of this blend? Notes: First retail launch: June 10, 2016. If you did get some, congratulations on a smart purchase. I appreciate the lack of anything noticeably present beyond the tobacco flavors themselves, and combined with the high sugar content this year I seems as though CRF should age exceptionally well. I like it with morning coffee as I try to focus on writing. There was a previous review featuring another C&D Small Batch offering, "The Beast," that I really enjoyed. Carolina Red Flake? Ron Swanson. As good as it gets ! Room-note: very nice. 2016 - 2,400 tins produced. A rock solid 4 star blend with the highest recommendation from me. It is much stronger & tastier than the wimpy, McCrannie's Red Ribbon which didn't impress me in the least but it did possess a good flavor but this one is richer & tangier with a more earthy flavor. the description of dried cranberry is spot on for the tin note. Burns at a moderate pace, cool and clean with no dull or harsh spots. Somewhat tangy but not as vinegary as Sutliff 515 RC-1. Personally Id rather risk mold than add vinegar to a tobacco. A couple bowls and it becomes obvious why these small batch blends go so fast. I opened the tin I had put in the cellar and found no mold, jarred it and put it back to age. after settling in burns quite well. Moisture Content - Perfect out of the tin. From a moisture standpoint, most will find this pipe ready straight away. And now it seems it's gone for good. Right place at the right time, I guess. A very slight earthiness and no sense of raisins, figs or other such notes. and I replied back that I did not want a refund and I was not sending them back. This of course was the maiden voyage of both the marriage of this tobacco and a pipe that was purchased for this specific tobacco. The fruitiness becomes bolder as each bowl progressed as did the spice level. I would recommend doing that to any that you might have in your cellar. There is a dark sweet fruit presence and no hay hint. Next time Ill buy more. It's the pure red VA spice. "Carolina Red Flake," you appear again for a second go-round. I've got several example's from all the most readily available blenders/brands of varying percentages of leaf. There is some tang, but not as tangy as some of the McClelland red VAs. I popped it open and was surprised it had a mild scent. There is nothing too crazy going on here, it's just a great straight Virginia. Rich and complex, sweet and full bodied with a lovely creaminess to it! All the Small Batch with CRF up to the one with perique were all super disappointing for me. I would never have guessed that a straight Red Virginia could be this strong & tasty. Get exclusive updates on all our fresh offerings, sales, and promotions -- right to your inbox. They have little pieces of yellow scattered across them, but the prominent colour's a darker brown. I'm very familiar with the previous batches of CRF, and just now smoked my first bowl of the 2020 batch. Doesn't burn fast either and I'd say that this blend burns at a perfect pace. The only thing I differ on from what Jim notes is that it is fairly complex. Got my tins today and after 15 minute dry time I fired it up. It's a spectacular blend! An inspired blend of the finest North Carolina grown Red Virginias, Carolina Red Flake is Cornell & Diehl's tribute to the historic Old Belt growing region. This does not have heavy tangy/sour smell of something like 515 RC-1 (missed 5100), it is more muted and earthy. The tin date is 9/15/20 so its almost exactly two years old. It definitely needs to be smoked slowly, and tends towards a bitter aftertaste towards the bottom of the b (2022 version) This is a tangy, medium-bodied blend of red Virginias that lives up to the billing. I have had to take this one to filtered pipes to cut some of the overwhelming nic out. My next visit to the pipe club I am going to bring in the other dented tin and pass it around. the flakes are good humidity level right out of the tin, the tin note is "tobacco", the room note is pleasant, it lights and burns with no trouble. Ive been smoking a pipe for about five years now and only recently did I discover my love for red Virginia. Not surprising as it's a limited edition offering. This is a really good tobacco blend. It is so smooth with really no harshness or roughness and no bite whatsoever. Tastes are just over medium the way I smoke it. Near perfect moisture once rubbed out for me. The taste is mild and predominantly sweet, but not as much as the 8.33% sugar content advertised in 2020 tin seems to suggest. I typically don't care for the light, pure virginias like Capstan, Navy Flake, etc., there just doesn't seem to be a lot going on behind the hay and grass taste. Hours of Operation: Our website is always open and you can place an order at any time. Sorry, persons under the age of 18 cannot use this site. Similar Blends: Orliks Golden Red, GLP Union Square. Sold Out. The 2022 edition of Carolina Red Flake features matured TA-20 Red-Orange Tips (the same grade as in 2021's Carolina Red Flake with Perique), boasting a substantial natural sugar content of 13.53%, and all sourced from a single family farm in North Carolina. I blame C&D for gradually changing my taste as nearly ever other blend has red VA in it, usually as a base. Has a periqueness to it on the retrohale, despite containing no perique. To my tastes, this is similar to Hearth and Home Marble Kake. The tin note is subtle, virginia tobacco with light brown sugar sweetness on the nose. The tobacco is initially rough on the palate, but not harsh, not biting. Th is medium-strength, medium-flavored blend hit the mark like other C&D small-batch offerings. This is a gentle Virginia, full of all kinds of subtle flavors (quite the contrast to my stronger flavor musings) that is now a benchmark tobacco for me. For a single component blend this definitely has more complexity, depth and body than you might expect. I got some spice from it in the back of my throat. I got some tins for the cellar. Performance: Burns exceptionally well. Revising down to one star. It is lightly "bready" which is a huge positive for me. And what about poor old Andy B.? I was lucky enough to snag 2 tins to try it and immediately regretted not purchasing more. It doesn't bite you unless aggressively pushed and is quite forgiving in that regard. This is a must have for anyone who enjoy's red Virginia tobacco. I didn't smell that, but later I noticed my office smelled musty, and stale. some of the small batch/limited editions are a lot of hype. I will start off this review by stating that this is an excellent Virginia offering from Cornell and Diehl. Once I am done with the tin, it will be a while until I get the distinct pleasure of cracking open another with some years on it. Into the cellar you go mr. 2020. It comes in the form of broken flake which I prefer, it just makes things easier when time comes to rub it out. 2000-2023 Laudisi Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. This is what Sophisticated American Blending Tastes Like, A Strong & Tasty Red Virginia - Nothing Better, I can't get it, so how can I revirw it ?7. I wish I could enjoy it, but it's going to be gifted for sure. It is unique as Red Virginia's go very little bite, cool burning, nice complex earthy flavor, with a little something "floral" on the retrohale. Flavors are more focused on the peppery part. Had no mold but my buddy wanted to return his 10 tins. It is much better in a deeper bowl & provides you with a long, cool burning smoke session like the Energizer Bunny, it just keeps going & going, getting stronger and tastier as the smoke wafts over the lower portion of the tobacco in your bowl. I wasnt expecting that. If this sounds like you, I implore you to try to get your hands on some of this; it's a deep, sophisticated Virginia that ranks right up there with some of the best I have ever tried, but even moreclean? but remember the leaf is already two years old. Makes for a really enjoyable smoke. What others have said rings true, but I wanted to chime in on nic hit. Since that time I've only smoked about 4 bowls from the tin..BUT NOW this is a far more robust red Virginia than I notice in other C&D blends, this one is very complex and has a certain amount of a nose and mouth tinglethe good kind..later down the bowl,it takes on a more bready essence,yet the sour and tangy still lingers..it is a good smoke for more experienced pipers..nic hit is mediumI recommend this one for pipers who wish to explore the true nature of VA tobaccos and how varied they tend to behave. It seems to be a very good quality grade of red virginia. Due to the consistency there's no need for too conscientious a rub, just pinch some and stuff it in! Its not too complicated due to it being a straight Virginia, but it has a lot of depth of flavor. I wish that I had ordered more. $14.25. We reserve the right to verify delivery to cardholder via UPS. So, on Monday night I sat here at my computer like I am doing now and refreshed the web at exactly 2101 and ordered 7 tins of a tobacco I have never had. I find this delightful, delicious, rich, savory, sweet and I want to yell out from the mountain tops that I just had an amazing experience with it. C&D I salute you! No need to dry. C&D Small Batch Carolina Red Flake (2020) C&D Small Batch Sansepolcro (2019) C&D Small Batch Sun Bear (2020) C&D Small Batch Carolina Red Flake (2019) This auction contains tobacco. My only regret is that I should've bought MORE! Further into the bowl there are lots of dried fruit and earthy/vegetal notes. It was pleasent and I am not a big fan of VaPers. Just a very faint typical red virginia aroma. While not a huge Virginia fan I had to get a few of these and the one I have gotten into so far makes me glad I did. The blend is quite smooth with a few harsh spots present. Don't want ppl thinking this was some mythically good blend or anything. There is a some very good Virginia sweetness when smoked and that aged earthiness we all expect from a good red leaf. Tangy sour notes of toasted bread, bright notes of citrus, and a sweet natural mellow toasted sugar flavor throughout if sipped slowly. This is a broken flake tobacco can be smoked as is or rubbed out into its course cut condition & has a long burn rate. I get a hearty amount of sweet, rich, fruit. I think the blend that broke me on red was Blockade Runner, a tasty rum soaked navy cake that still has a raw, pure tobacco taste behind the rum. But what about when it runs out? Age When Smoked: Freshly opened/purchased. But I have to say, I've heard the old timer's talk about legendary tobacco's. Include "small batch" in the title. Very satisfied with the flavor & satisfied with the extra strength & one bowl was plenty for a good while. Call it a 'dissenting voice.'. I find the red Virginia s to be sweet and satisfying. It is much better in a deeper bowl & provides you with a long, cool burning smoke session like the Energizer Bunny, it just keeps going & going, getting stronger and tastier as the smoke wafts over the lower portion of the tobacco in your bowl. Specializing in Diesel & General Automotive Repairs.. I truly hope as you sit there rubbing your hands together that it's your precious. Unfortunately the room note did not pass the wife test. Recalls: 6/21/2016 All 2400 tins have been recalled due to mold being found in some tins. The hay is indeed present but whats most notable is the sweetness of the Virginias and the tang of citrus (somewhere between orange and lemon) and I did confirm itcranberries. This is a really great smooth, no bite tobacco which I also learned that Red Virginia usually has a low sugar content and I am sure that is why it is bite free. Burns cool and clean at a slightly slow pace with a very consistent, smoother than expected, deep fruity, sugary, mildly sour, light sparkly flavor that extends to the lightly lingering, pleasant after taste. I do prefer the Anthology and the 2021 CRF W/ Perique that also have these Red/Orange tips included. Through all my wide-ranging sampling of Cornell & Diehl blends, Ive never been disappointed. my first bowel today. I got an aftertaste that lingered for an hour that reminded me of a cheap Connecticut wrapped cigar. Is it the best blend on the market? The smoke is light, with a woody, grassy smell and the already mentioned note of bitter chocolate. If you are lucky enough to buy in bulk, it would be luxurious every day smoke. The actual name of the blend is in black on a dark red background color, in written script, and half the size, at best, than the words Small Batchso pardon you for the confusion, right? Smoky and burns well for me with few to zero re-lights. Has a very slight spice to it that you get from red Virginia. I get some nice bready notes as well . 5100 and McClelland 40th Anniversary have it, so I'm glad I stocked a decent amount of those. Midway through bowl and strength increases considerably. Smoked thoughtfully/kept cool it is very fragrant, adding savory wood resins and something like fragrant, almost floral meadow grasses to tastes that otherwise follow the tin note. Three stars: Cornell & Diehl Carolina Red Flake 2022- Sugary sweet and sour and grassy is what I get a lot of with this new release . Dark sweet fruit presence and no sense of raisins, figs or other such notes it!, 2016 pleasent and I replied back that I should 've bought more all 2400 tins have recalled... Pipe ready straight away would be luxurious every day smoke without the expressed written consent of STC Holdings LLC are. The smoke as far as moisture is concerned to bring in the USA now and recently. 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