A part of me wishes I could hold you where you are, but the bigger part of me is so excited to see you chase your dreams as you become the man God made you to be. After a long journey, your hard work paid off. I wish you much success as you embark upon your future. Our tears are complicated, these tears you see arent tears of sorrow but tears of joy, excitement, and anticipation and of the purest love any human can ever know. Your actions and words might always express your fondness for her, but a letter with your genuine feelings can make her experience love even more deeply. I know that this is not a typical year for you, but you have handled the disappointments with grace and positivity. For that, I applaud you. From the very beginning, I knew you would do great things. It is a delight to see you scanning for data about the course Psychology, about the schools which are offering it, about their education costs, offices, instructors, number of enlistments, number of fruitful alumni, and so forth., relating to your picked course. You surely feel proud of her and her achievements. You are going to do amazing things, and they better watch out for you because you'll be nursing circles around them. Your last semester has been filled with loss and heartbreak, but you have remained strong and found laughter in the small moments. You are a nurse now! Youve worked hard to achieve your goals, and now, youre on your way to seek new vistas, dream new dreams, embrace life with passion, and keep reaching for your star. Granddaughter Graduation Nursing School, Cross & S. A man with a VISION and a PLAN will NEVER LOSE, you either WIN or LEARN. Sincerely, [Signature] Emily Moore. Now as you venture off to college, enjoy life, listen to your heartmake good choices, and never give up on your dreams. My heart and spirit were so moved by this Thank you, darling, for making me proud today. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. The time has come, you have completed your high school journey and life awaits. This will inspire her to move to the next level in her future and life. Although you will see me cry, rest assured these tears are full of life, joy, and memories. Its not even close to what Id hoped it would be. There are no selfies with your friends from your last day of school. You are our sunshine, we are proud of you. Nursing school and all that it entailed had simply come to an end, as all things must. I cannot believe this day, yet anotheryear has come for my last child to graduate and complete his first phase in his journey. Congratulations on your graduation, sweetheart, we couldnt be more proud. I have gained such a great amount from you and will consistently adore you and be appreciative that I was picked to have such an uncommon girl. A Letter to Breanna on Her Graduation from Nursing School: And a Note of Gratitude to All Nurses Portrait of a Nurse from the Red Cross by Gabriel Emile Niscolet (1856-1921); French. I know when you were growing up, I asked too many questions. Not only are you a deep thinker, but you have a huge heart. Go chase your dreams, stay gold, and as you spread your wings, know that we will always be your biggest fans. Greatest. I feel like the proud sister over here. in. Nurse School Congratulations Neutral Colors with S. Not long ago, many of us were in your exact position. Go forward on your journey, explore life, learn more, make your own decisions, and always remember to keep God first, and know that you will always have your parents love and support. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. WebMany nursing students anticipate the pinning ceremony throughout their student nursing career. I hope that this list of 21 encouraging things to say to a graduating daughter gave you inspiration and helped you find the right words. When life gets hard, never give up. I would like to sincerely congratulate you on such a great achievement. Graduating from nursing school can be tough, and classes are notoriously difficult to pass. On the first day of each school year I would always say its getting closer and smiled. Graduation for Daughter, Nursing School with Cross. We are so proud of all your accomplishments, but its not just about the high grades and becoming valedictorian. Congrats to our graduate! #2. I remember the day this picture was taken. As we celebrate your high school graduation, we watch in amazement at the inspiring, compassionate, resilient young woman you have become. Things to Say to a Graduating Daughter to Show You Appreciate Her Effort #1. I thank God every day for giving me the gift of having you as a son, and I am so very proud to say that I am your mom. You make me so proud my quiet storm! Proud Graduation Quotes For Daughter. Graduating from nursing school can be tough, and classes are notoriously difficult to pass. Remember the Golden Rule, which is Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.I know your mother would be proud too if she could be here to see it. We hope and pray this will not cause a negative spirit of bitterness to develop in you but rather and a positive spirit of I can handle anything.. Your mother always appreciates your decision. We have faith in your heart and your fantasies. Be limitless; be fearless. Just like you did with graduating don't let any obstacle stop you on your journeys. Its a wonderful time for all of us. I have seen your exertion. It felt like a dream. We know you will continue to accomplish your dreams and goals you have set for yourself as the years go by in your life. You have had so many trials thrown at you in your 18 years of life, but you have persevered through them all. Although you will see me cry, rest assured these tears are full of life, joy, and memories. Keep a positive attitude, it will take you far on your lifes journey. JaKhiah Azure Lewis, your parents, family, and friends, cannot expresshowextremely proud we are of you and your accomplishments in completing this milestone in your life. April 4, 2022. It is the day that proves your growth, efforts, and persistence. Thank you very much for your consideration. We are so excited about what you will continue to grow into with God. But I always saw you fight through every time like a confident young woman. First, I've developed a passion for the health care profession because [discuss reasons why you're interested in nursing school]. I am a patient, attentive, empathetic, and diligent individual, and I plan on becoming the best nurse I can possibly be. Congratulations to you son, and the Class of 2020. So, Im sure it comes as no big surprise that Ive got a few things to say. Whether or not to pursue a graduate degree? Im sure you put forth a great amount of effort and dedication to the program and perhaps even at times wondered if you would be able to succeed, but you persevered and came through with flying colors. It was a proud moment to see your daughter grow up and achieve great grades. A letter to my graduate nurse, on your nursing journey. I know the rest of the year holds many uncertainties and will probably be different than expected as well. I feel helpless to put in words the honor you deserve. The Dreams I Had for My Child Before They Were Born vs. After 4 Months of Sleep Deprivation. Continue to remember there are no mistakeslifes lessons are learned. Customized Name Congratulations on Becoming a Nurs. Today, my son, I'm proud of you for all the thoughtful things you do. 75 Inspirational Nursing Quotes for Graduation. I can see great things in your future, my one and only child. You have faced bullying issues, betrayals by those you thought were your friends. But remember this- you are NOT alone. We have confidence in your expectations and wants. A Letter to Breanna on Her Graduation from Nursing School: And a Note of Gratitude to All Nurses Portrait of a Nurse from the Red Cross by Gabriel Emile Niscolet (1856-1921); French. You are my world. You would see a delightful person with a smile thats infectious. During this epic time of uncertainty and change we are so proud of the perseverance you have shown. Always know how much we love you and support you in all your endeavors. I love you to the moon and back!! You have grown so much over the last four years in so many ways. Youre on your own. We know that many things were taken from you and things you had plans for did not, could not happen. To our daughter on her graduation day, remember that obstacles dont have to stop you. All the best!, #12. When there is a need, you are there. You have become a graduate today. So, during this time, and always, be cultivating that positive spirit of I can handle anything. Never alone - you will. To our sweet baby girl Donisha Keira Boyd. Graduation is a very emotional moment for both parents and their children. Your family loves you to the moon and back. Im proud of your success. Make sure your decisions are in line with the goals you set for yourself, and the determination to be great and successful in everything you do. There are no pictures or videos of moving the tassels over on caps that will shortly be thrown in the air, at least not yet. Im proud of your success. Thank you very much for your consideration. We will consistently be here for whatever you need, even as we let proceed to give you the space to start cutting out a real existence all alone. We couldnt have imagined that your journey would have had so many bumps in the road, but we never doubted that you would reach your destination. But remember you are never alone. Even you are not the parent of a nurse who is graduating, you can offer an "I am so proud of you" gift. This was the beginning of our excursion together. Youre a mommas girl and I appreciate the hugs youve given me when no one else is there to. You did it. Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far up you already came. Your name means Gods gracious gift, and on the day before the world stopped turning, God gave us you, a reason to hope in the darkness. I am so proud that you didn't! We simply could not believe it! We have faith in your capacities, your latent capacity, and the entirety of the guarantee that dwells inside. The Dreams I Had for My Child Before They Were Born vs. After 4 Months of Sleep Deprivation. By completing your degree, youre now ready to take on the next stages of your career. And whatever you say, just make sure that it comes directly from the heart. I love many people but,none have I loved as much as I have you. You'reso genuine and such a great friend to so many. You will fill it with the hottest of characters, the most wonderful melodies, accounts of importance, messages of expectation, and each word will be instilled with adoration and confidence. It is indeed an exciting day your daughters graduation day! We are extremely proud of the young man you have become. We have confidence in your expectations and wants. WebMany nursing students anticipate the pinning ceremony throughout their student nursing career. You also dont let anyone tell you that you cannot accomplish something. The decision will be yours to make and one that you will have no fear of making should that time ever arise. How to Find Automated Web Testing Company in 2023, Best Data Rooms with Exclusive Features to Review, How to Sell a House in the Current Market & Get a Good Financial Deal. WebDear daughter,Today the long-awaited day has come, and you are graduating from college. You were made for greatness and God has big plans for You. I admire the man you are becoming! Congrats to our graduate! #2. So today I am glad to say congratulations Jhelan for completing this first milestone in your life. You have the feet in your shoes. Congratulations on this special achievement, grad., #18. I love you and I will always be your strongest supporter. Congratulations, lovely! It seems like yesterday you were a little boy coming home with toads and turtles or beaming with pride as you pushed the book cart around your elementary school. Regrets are the worst things one could ever have- let others' experience be the tool to guide you, but let the final decisions be yours! I am a patient, attentive, empathetic, and diligent individual, and I plan on becoming the best nurse I can possibly be. Educationally, you continue to grow and learn and even when you do not care for the subject, you seem to enjoy the new knowledge. I additionally anticipate the time we go through together at the ends of the week going to yoga and lunch or simply hanging out. You promised your grandparents you would finish school for them when they both passed away and you did so you could make them proud of you but you knew they was and we are too. Customized Name Congratulations on Becoming a Nurs. Continue to make us proud. You have become a graduate today. Were talking about things like tenacity, perseverance, integrity, honor, determination, dependabilityand kindness. Congratulations, dear! Things to Say to a Graduating Daughter to Show You Appreciate Her Effort #1. Proud Graduation Quotes For Daughter. Are you unable to find the right words for drafting the letter? Remember those days when you thought you could not do it; Remember the never ending tests and exams; Remember those long clinical hours with papers due the next day; Remember the nerve racking exams, when you had sleepless nights wondering if that semester was going to be your last in nursing school. Your graduation is a milestone and day we have envisioned for many years. And never forget that we are your biggest fans. Now here you are, graduating high school in the midst of a pandemic. We were ecstatic!!! We have seen your determination to do what is right no matter the consequence or reward, make decisions wise beyond your years, and marveled at your ability to remain humble with your achievements. We know God will use your gift of healing others to make a positive difference A Letter to My DaughterA Class of 2020 Graduate by Nichole Forbes on May 12, 2020 1 Comment To my high school graduate, Here we are, nearing the end of your senior year. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment thatGod can give you. We dont have a picture in your new red dress for the Junior/Senior Banquet. We know that you are very capable of managing on your own and it is this season of life when you will begin to do just that. It all went by so quickly. Your family loves you very much and we will always be here ready and willing to help. Suddenly, I saw a woman standing where a little girl used to be. It never went unnoticedthat even with a hectic school, work, sports schedule you still found time to encourage me with notes, letters, and cards. Congratulations, sweet daughter, on this momentous day. Congratulationson your graduation. It is a big moment for her and the entire family. You are an adult to the world and that is how it should be, but in my heart you will always be my little boy. We could not be prouder. How it broke my heart to leave you in the care of someone else, but I prayed for your protection. Well, baby, here we are. We are sure that you will do great in your future life. Inside Text: We are so proud of your accomplishment and excited about your future as a Nurse. Proud Graduation Quotes For Daughter. WebA letter of good wishes and encouragement from parents to a graduating daughter will definitely boost her spirits. As a proud parent of a graduate, its easy to get lost in the emotions. You can generally be depended on to help with undertakings, and you enthusiastically join to help other people. You have grown so much over the last four years in so many ways. You have so much potential and we know you will do great things. I pray God's blessings and wisdom upon you always. We have faith in your heart and your fantasies. We were ecstatic!! Go be and do whatever your heart desires knowing that you have an unlimited supply of love, support, and encouragement. As you graduate and make your own way in this world, your possibilities are only limited to what you limit them to. Took a picture, said I love you and you were off, showing me, you could do this without me. Im very proud that even after having a baby, you still went through the struggle, held a job and finished school. My heartfelt blessing to you my son. Dear daughter, you have made me super happy with this excellent achievement. Goodbye to the old and ready for new adventures with our once baby, now young man. I sent you off to catch the school bus, you assured me everything was fine. Brandon you are officially a high school graduate. All decisions have consequences. Even when it seemed like I almost lost you in your car accident in October. Being born into a Military family, that meant you were born into a world of "when, not if,"as we lived with the possibility of a deployment, as we faced the everyday never knowing when orders would drop. Has 5 years experience. We simply could not believe it! Hold fast to these words of wisdom: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. So, listen I did, and boy did I learn. Where did the time go? My smile was in anticipation of your graduation day. Jeremiah 29:11 says: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Indeed, Jhelan you always followed that scripture through your journey. Your sophomore year brought that deployment we knew would someday come, and you had to adjust to life without your daddy, your hero.You fought hard and have overcome many personal trials and challenges over the years. It felt like a dream. And because you know how Im wired on the inside, you know its apt to get a little drippy, so bear with me. We want you to know how SUPER proud we are of the man you have become. But alas, it was cut short due to the pandemic, along with prom, senior trip, and graduation. I am so proud of you! Rejoice in it, you've earned it! It is hard to describe that instantaneous love that we felt when we first saw you and even harder to explain how proud we are of you.

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